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重生之我的男友是超模 第19节 (第4/4页)
eak your heart ??and i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky ??i'll be there ??i swear like a shadow that's by your side ??i'll be there ??for better or worse, till death do us part ??i'll love you with every beat of my heart ??and i swear ??i'll give you every thing i can ??i'll build your dreams with these two hands ??we'll hang some memories on the walls ??and when just the two of us are there ??you won't have to ask if i still care ??`coz as the time turns the page, my love won't age at all ??and i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky ??i swear like the shadow that's by your side ??i'll be there ??for better or worse, till death do us part ??i'll love you with every beat of my heart ??and i swear ??i swear by the moon and stars in the sky ??i'll be there ??i swear like the shadow that's by your side ??i'll be there ??for better or worse, till death do us part ??i'll love you with every beat of my heart ??i swear, i swear, oh i swear ??一首终了,乔纳斯接过朋友递过来的花,打开戒指盒,他单膝跪在了地上:“笑笑,今天,在你我朋友的见证下,在这美丽的夜晚,你是否愿意嫁给我?” ??“答应他!”“笑笑,快答应他吧!”“笑笑交给你了。答应他吧!”唐笑笑的朋友助攻,乔纳斯的朋友也捏着奇怪的口音起哄着。 ??多么老套的剧情,老套的求婚词啊!唐笑笑想吐槽,但是却湿润了眼眶,她发自内心地欢喜:“我愿意!” ??-the end- ??作者有话要说: ??因为中间发生了一些事情,所以本文就这样结束啦~~ ??总算是完结了,新文也在筹备中。 ??这篇文章写到后面已经全靠毅力在坚持了。 ??因为是第一篇,人物的塑造也比较失败,性格塑造刻板,一点不鲜明。 ??所以感谢现在还在看我文的小仙女们! ??以后会努力提高文笔的! ??我们下本文再见! ??谢谢 陈正正小迷妹的地雷!!!么么哒! ??最后的请求:关注一下蠢作者吧,下本文存稿中,开文后会尽量坚持一天一更的!!!